Manuela Franke - Handpan-Salon

Liegauer Str. 5 (Zugang über Liegauer Str. 11)
01465 Dresden OT Langebrück
Courses, Try out handpans, Workshops

Music has accompanied Manuela from an early age - but it is thanks to the Handpan that it has now also found its way into her professional context. At Handpan-Salon Dresden, she offers unique workshops ranging from beginner to in-depth themed courses. As an experienced neurocoach, she knows how to convey content in a sustainable, brain-friendly, light and entertaining way. You don't need any previous musical knowledge at all! In the warm and inviting atmosphere of the Handpan Salon, every participant will find the ideal environment to learn and love the art of handpan playing. Whether you are a beginner or want to develop your skills, Manuela's courses are designed to support each participant individually. The courses are more than just learning sessions; they are a journey of self-discovery and musical expression. Find out more about Manuela and her work at

Manuela Franke Handpan Workshop

Request an appointment for trying out handpans

Please let us know beforehand, which models you are interested in, and we will make sure, that they are there when you come in to try them out.

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