Mainz - Beginner Handpan Workshop
Yoga Vidya Mainz
Neubrunnenstr. 8
55116 Mainz
Neubrunnenstr. 8
55116 Mainz
Currently no event dates scheduled, but we will publish new event dates, as soon as they are announced.
Absolute beginner,
Dieser Workshop bietet allen Handpan Interessierten die Möglichkeit dieses wundervolle Instrument näher kennenzulernen.
Neben einiger kurzer theoretischer Infos (Geschichte, Aufbau und Stimmung) lernt ihr in diesem 2 stündigen Handpan Kurs Anschlagtechnik, Rhythmen und erste Melodien.

Mainz - Beginner Handpan Workshop
Sale price€0,00
Ariane Schill
Hello lovelies, my name is Ariane and I have already played various instruments, guitar and piano, but over the years I have lost the desire to make music. The handpan... View profile
Location info
We also offer handpan workshops outside of Mainz. Check it out to see if there are any workshops in your vicinity.