Mainz - Handpan Ensemble (Donnerstag: wöchentlicher Handpan Course)

Sound-Sculpture – Handpan Shop
Neutorstr. 10
55116 Mainz
06.02.2025 (19:00 – 20:30)
06.03.2025 (19:00 – 20:30)
03.04.2025 (19:00 – 20:30)
08.05.2025 (19:00 – 20:30)
05.06.2025 (19:00 – 20:30)
Beginner, Slightly advanced
80€ pro Monat

--> There are still (few) free places available :)

Handpan Ensemble: weekly handpan course for beginners and slightly advanced students

Would you like to do this together with others? Learn to play the handpan, do online courses not alone at home, enjoy your progress with others every week and exchange ideas with other handpan enthusiasts?

Then I cordially invite you to the handpan ensemble on Thursdays 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. 😊

Course content:

  • get to know the dreamy, mystical sounds of the D Kurd together with others
  • play slow, meditative chord progressions and melodies
  • express your own feelings musically
  • or rather play fast rhythms
  • find beauty in simplicity will learn all of this in the group!

Course details:

  • Start date: 05/02/2024
  • Meeting point: Mainz, Sound Sculpture Neutorstraße 10, 55116 Mainz
  • Time: every Thursday, 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
  • Course fee: €80 per month
  • Instruments: Please bring your handpan. The course takes place on D-Kurd Minor. If you don't own an instrument, we can help you get one. A D-Kurd Minor handpan can be rented on site for a fee.

Participation is only possible after registration. Please provide the following when registering:

  • Short description of the handpan experience (no previous knowledge required)
  • What scale do you have?
  • Do you need help getting a handpan?

Register for this event

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Ariane Schill

Hello lovelies, my name is Ariane and I have already played various instruments, guitar and piano, but over the years I have lost the desire to make music. The handpan... View profile


Location info

Sound-Sculpture – Handpan Shop
Neutorstr. 10
55116 Mainz
Metro station "Römisches Theater"
Parking garage "Zitadelle" (free on weekends) or parking garage "Römisches Theater"