Bodensee, Oberschwaben, Allgäu – Beginner Handpan Workshop

Leutkirch-Hinznang, Biberach, Markdorf
20.03.2025 (19:00 – 21:00) This event date will take place here: Klangraum, 88299 Leutkirch-Hinznang
21.03.2025 (19:00 – 21:00) This event date will take place here: Stadtteilhaus Gaisental e.V. Mehrgenerationenhaus Biberach, Banatstraße 34, 88400 Biberach
28.03.2025 (19:00 – 21:30) This event date will take place here: BewusstSeinsZentrum, Robert-Bosch-Str. 1, 88677 Markdorf
Absolute beginner, Beginner
Kursort Leutkirch-Hinznang: 50€
Kursort Biberach: 60€
Kursort Markdorf: 65€

Welcome to my handpan workshops “Discovering the Sounds of Happiness!” You don’t need any prior musical knowledge! As a beginner, you will learn all the important basics, get to know different patterns and an intuitive, rhythmic approach to the instrument. You will be amazed at the flow of tones that emerge under your hands after just a short time... in interaction with the small group, meditative sound textures and wonderful grooves will soon emerge...!

Let yourself be carried away by the lightness and harmonizing, positive energy when playing on the sound UFOs. Guaranteed to be an exhilarating experience!

The handpans for the workshop are provided. After the workshop, you also have the option of renting a handpan so that you can continue to implement what you have learned at home or further develop your playing independently. When you purchase a handpan, 100% of the rental fees will be offset against the purchase price.

Participation in the workshop is only possible with registration.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.


Register for this event

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Antje Leydel-Lehmann

My name is Antje*Runa, I have been enthusiastic about all the sounds of the world since I was a child and have been working as a music therapist (HPG) and... View profile


Location info

88299 Leutkirch-Hinznang
Stadtteilhaus Gaisental e.V. Mehrgenerationenhaus Biberach
Banatstraße 34
88400 Biberach
Robert-Bosch-Str. 1
88677 Markdorf