Lampertheim - Beginner Handpan Workshop
Kriemhildenstr. 5
68623 Lampertheim
You heard a sound UFO and the sounds of the handpan touched you and now you want to find out whether you want to delve deeper into this sound world?
Here you have the opportunity to enter the wonderful world of handpans.
The workshop is useful for all people who do not yet own a handpan but would like to take the first steps in this direction.
No previous knowledge is necessary for the handpan workshop. You will receive basic knowledge about the instrument, an introduction to music theory, tips for purchasing and initial playing techniques. In professional lessons you will learn your first rhythms and free play. You can ask questions and experience for yourself how different sound models work
In the workshops, selected handpans are available for rent or sale, which can be played and tested during the workshop.
The workshops take place in a small group and each participant is provided with a handpan for the duration of the workshop.
We offer you various formats as a beginner. A handpan workshop lasting 2 hours is suitable if you want to learn the basics. Here is your investment from 75 euros.
If you would like to delve even deeper into the topic, we offer you the opportunity to spend another 2 to 2.5 hours studying the topic of handpan and handpan playing even more intensively.
We also offer individual or partner workshops where we can specifically address questions and tailor the content individually. The individual workshop is also suitable if you don't dare play in a group. We arrange the appointments to suit your schedule.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. We look forward to seeing you.
Ute and Frank

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Einklang ALAKUS
The two musicians and sound therapists Ute Kilian and Frank Willi Schmidt combine sound and live music with relaxation in their concerts. Frank Willi Schmidt has been on stage as... View profile