Heidelberg - Beginner 1 Handpan Workshop

Handpan Center Heidelberg
Bergheimer Str. 99
69115 Heidelberg
16.03.2025 (13:00 – 15:00) Sold out
13.04.2025 (13:00 – 15:00)
Absolute beginner, Beginner
1x Gruppenunterricht (2 Stunden) = 70 Euro (inkl. Getränke und Snacks)
2x Gruppenunterricht am gleichen Tag (4 Stunden) = 135 Euro (inkl. Getränke und Snacks)

Fernando Lyra offers regular beginner handpan workshops in Heidelberg.

Basic hitting techniques, position of the notes and hand-to-hand beginner grooves are the essential components of the workshop Beginner 1 (first Touch).

There are also the following advanced courses that can be booked independently:

Contents of the advanced courses:

Beginner 2: Further development of the beginner grooves and backbeat grooves

Beginner 3: Further development of the beginner grooves, Hand-to-hand grooves, backbeat grooves and grooves without a thing

Beginner 4: Pattern from Once Again (Hang Massive) and Urban (Kate Stone), arpeggios in 3/4 and 4/4 time

The workshops are carried out with D Celtic Minor handpans, but can also be transferred to any other handpan with a few small adjustments. Instruments are available for the workshops, but you are welcome to bring your own!

Depending on the level of the participants, we can flexibly adapt the different lessons.

We will also do small ones Have moments of relaxation to talk a little and maybe jam a little 🙂

After the workshops, you also have the option of renting a handpan so that you can continue to implement what you have learned at home and further develop your playing independently. When you purchase a handpan, 100% of the rental fees will be offset against the purchase price.

Participation in the workshops is only possible with registration.


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Fernando Lyra

Fernando Lyra is a multi-instrumentalist and sound expert based in Heidelberg, Germany. He learned and developed techniques for various percussion and woodwind instruments such as handpan, kaval, ney, darbouka, def,... View profile


Location info

Handpan Center Heidelberg
Bergheimer Str. 99
69115 Heidelberg